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The Progeny of Mirrors

A group of Changelings have united to infiltrate every aspect of society. Their members are called Mirrors. The Mirrors are versed in Diplomacy, Espionage, Assassination & Seduction they are proficient in each but specialize in one.   The Progeny of Mirrors is a secretive cabal of changelings working to sway major governments and enterprises toward some nefarious end. Its goals and members are closely held secrets and few people in Allenia even believe in it's existence.   The Mirrors believe themselves to be descendants of The Traveler and occasionally The Traveler will possess one of the cabinet rulers to convey a message, the most recent of these was 200 years ago.

Tenets of Faith

There are few holy texts for the faith, so The Traveler's commandments usually need to be deduced.   However, some known common tenets are:   Revealing one's true self is weakness. Instead, followers should cover themselves in disguise and deception, until not they knew the truth of themselves.   Nothing is permanent. Thus, followers should make sure that change helps them and hinders their rivals.   Cunning plans and intricate deceptions are the most effective weapons, for mortal minds can be predicted and easily manipulated.   Change strengthens people and chaos pushes evolution. In addition, the faith of the Traveler promotes careful planning and adopting a subtle approach, as well as change in any form.
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The Mirrors
Notable Members


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