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Summer Dwarf

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Azur, Boldr, Duggrim, Farym, Kalkyr, Karyr, Konkyr, Styr, Tyte,

Family names

Summer Dwarves typically had names ressembling earthy minerals, ores, or lesser metals combined with body parts.

Example names: Cinnatooth, Ironbrow, Mudfoot, Stonejaw


Art & Architecture

Summer Dwarf Art and Architecture, like all Dwarven ethnicities in Allheim, are considered one and the same, with the blocky, brutalistic, polyhedral architecture regularly adorned with artisitc expresion.


While sharing similar roots as their gaudy Winter brethren, Summer Dwarf Art forwent the fine inlays of gemstones and preciousmetals, instead creating intricate interweaving carvings directly into the masonry.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Ancient Summer Dwarf culture placed an almost fervent importance on religion and godly permission. Holds typically have a dedicated shrine room that serves as an offering point for those wishing to gain Thommag’s permission to enter.

Common Myths and Legends

Summer Dwarves hold a strong-regard for their End-Times mythology. One notable expression of the Summer Dwarves' perceived end times is as follows... When the green sun rises in the west, Thommag will reveal himself on Allheim, and lead his children across the golden bridge to his realm from atop his red ram.
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