The tea town of Potersooth is renown for its major exports of magical tea and unique pottery crafts, along side being known as a unique tourist destination as all the buildings are either colourful clay towers or giant teapot like structures. The Mayor of this interesting town is Cubevulin Tieata, whom is known as the Mayormancer of the Potlins as he was originally the towns quirky wizard. Due to Cubevulin Tieata's links in Volcan they managed to bring over inventors such as Shelly lupin to craft new blends of magical teas and set up some form of magical transport back to Tieata's families tea leaf farms in Dankuf.The famous potlin tea is exported to most large settlements across the Alloy Plane, Tea may be their biggest export though its not their only export. Julan kole is the general manager over materials, export and quality assurance for the pottery crafts that are also made within the town. Occasionally Julan kole does commissions for Volcan , these pieces usually leave space for enchantments of sorts to be placed on them.
Industry & Trade
Magical tea blends, Pottery, dyes, commissionaire crafters.
Haflings, humans, gnomes
Inhabitant Demonym
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