Lionsgate Settlement in Allucimere | World Anvil
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A City of Valor and Ruin

Lionsgate used to be the great capital of the kingdom of Essaryn. Men would arrive from all across the land simply to walk through its two great stone lions guarding the majestic gate. Thousands of people would flock to the busy streets, purchasing and selling wares. People would flock to the dozens, or perhaps hudreds of small corner shops selling all sorts of curiosities. People would walk across its streets with nothing to fear, for who would dare murder or thieve in the City Of Valor?
Then, the hordes of chaos arrived. They crashed upon the mighty walls again and again, impaling themselves onto the kingdom's spears again and again. They tried to starve the city, but the city would not die. For months, the city endured an ever-growing storm of shadow clawing day and night at its mighty gates. But the lion wouldn't fall so easily. With nothing else to do, King Valerian mustered the greatest cavalry the city had ever seen. Legends say that on the final day of the siege, he himself lead the final charge against the darkness, and unleashed the most powerful Dragon's Storm the kingdom had ever felt.
Sadly, even that was not enough. The shadows won out in the end, and the city was forgotten. Where once there was glory, now nothing but ruins remain. Very few travelers will dare to even wander close to the city anymore, afraid of getting attacked by some loose monster of shadows still wandering the city's forgotten roads.


Before its fall, the city had quite some variation among peoples. At its height, the city was even home to a substantial amount of Jadeborn, who had traveled far and wide to work in the city.


Great walls towering over the country. Two great statues of roaring lions guarding the greatest gates you'd ever lay eyes upon.

Industry & Trade

Merchants, adventurers, soldiers, craftsmen...the city used to be booming before the shadows took it.


The city of Lionsgate had huge stores of food and wealth inside it, making it a very juicy target. But all that wealth lay at the center of the greatest Kingdom mankind had ever seen, all guarded by a fiercely loyal and brave army.

Guilds and Factions

Lionsgate, in its heyday, was home to many guilds and alliances for each major profession, including magic. In fact, there were even a couple mage academies stationed in Lionsgate.

1497 S.E.

Alternative Name(s)
City Of Valor
Pre-Calamity: 133,031 -- Post-Calamity: 0?
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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