3: The Devil of Lamplight Report in Allyria | World Anvil
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3: The Devil of Lamplight

General Summary

Once in Lamplight they found that the town was a pop-up town recently established for refugees. It was protected from the deadly Nimbocor by a magic lamp at the center of town whose light provided a blessing on those it fell on, repelling the mist as if you were holding a torch. Unfortunately, to acquire this lamp, the town founders made a desperate deal with a devil in which a citizen of the town is randomly selected to be sacrificed each year.

The party also found that people were being abducted by cultists of The White Hand who had strange artifacts with them, the most interesting being coins which were magical but otherwise unfamiliar to anyone else, more like metal tokens than money. Some coins were shiny and new while others looked centuries old, with none in between.

Following a crude reference map on one of the kidnappers, the party ran afoul of a Night Hag in her lair, who escaped the conflict. Searching her lair revealed more strange token/coins and a crucible for creating them. There was also a way to contact "The Devil of Lamplight," Xerek. He appeared for them as an apparition and refused to part with his lamp which was "leased" by the town. But, he did offer a non binding deal that he would trade information for each ten shiny tokens they drop in the well outside.
Report Date
05 Jul 2023
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