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Bjork Aurelian

Bjork Aurelian

Bjork was born into the world to an Elvin mother, Aurelia, and a human father, a love that should have never existed with a child born out of wedlock. The mark of this sinful conception was shown in the child’s eyes, one brown eye and one blue. The world grew outraged at the fact that an abomination such as he could exist and so his family went into hiding. Not soon after the guilt and anguish of his father’s action began to build inside of him until one day, he vanished. Not a single word or note was left for his love or his bastard child. Not a trace of his existence could even be found except for one item, a knife. Aurelia knew that she could not raise this child alone and so she turned to the church for help. With open arms Father Dave accepted Aurelia and her child into the community where she could live and raise Bjork without fear. Bjork being merely months old would never remember his father’s face, but as he grew older his mother would often tell stories of his father and his appearance but could never conjure the courage to speak his name.   As time went on and Bjork grew older, he became close to a girl in the clergy by the name of Mary Jo Anna. The church was mainly comprised of older elves and humans, but Mary Jo Anna was somehow very close in age to Bjork, possibly only a few years older. She was his only friend in the clergy. They spent most of their time together whether it be playing, studying, or harnessing their divine powers. The two were best friend, they were inseparable.   Now 20 years later and still no word from his father whose name he still doesn’t know, the world seemed to be at peace as far as young Bjork could tell. However, this peace would not last long. One night not soon after a loud noise awoke Bjork in the middle of the night. Investigating the source of the sound it led him to his mother’s bed chamber where to his dismay he found his mother lying in her bed, dead. The only clue as to what happened was his father’s bloodied knife that remained pierced in her chest, straight through her heart. In an emotional outburst Bjork ran away from the church, hell bent on finding the man who would murder his mother. Rumors quickly spread like wildfire in his hometown that he was the one to murder his mother and ran away in fear for being persecuted, he was an abomination to them after all. Bjork knew that he could never return.   15 years have since passed since his mother’s murder. Bjork has not once looked back at his hometown, although in secret he speaks with Father Dave and Sister Mary, the only two who believe he is truly innocent. In all the time searching for the man who murdered his mother only a single lead had been found. The night of his mother’s death, a nearby orc village was pillaged and destroyed by a man whose appearance closely matched that of his father. The orc who described the man was named Chungus, but as he continued to speak of the man who destroyed his village he mentioned on other fact. It was then that these two knew that they both shared a common enemy, but more so than that, they believe they may even share the same father; the man who destroyed both of their lives.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bjork is a tall yet surprisingly thin man. But do not be fooled, although physically skinny, he has more than enough strength to put most men to shame.

Body Features

There is nothing extremely notable about his body aside from the large scar the marks his abdomen and chest.

Identifying Characteristics

As a mark of an abomination, one eye is blue and the other is brown.

Apparel & Accessories

Bjork typically wears common and very modest clothing while not in battle. However, upon entering a conflict Bjork will don his battle gear and regalia with his ring of arming.

Mental characteristics


No sex. Never. Ever.


Bjork spent much of his early life being educated in the divine by Father Dave and his mother. Although his formal education stopped when he fled his hometown, Bjork has since maintained his connection to the divine through vast literature and practicing his casting.


After running away Bjork needed money to survive. To do this he was often hired off to individuals seeking medical attention, but largely relied on the generosity and donations of the church.   Now Bjork works with the Order of the Phoenix.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not preventing the death of Chungus (twice) and being helpless to stop Quedem from killing everyone and destroying Sanctuary.

Mental Trauma

Oh boy is this a good one.   Bjork stumbled upon his mother's dead body at a young age. He never had a chance to say goodbye or a final "I love you". Now an orphan abandoned by both of his parents Bjork finds it difficult to make meaningful relationships with others. He tends to make jokes and tries to push others away from him in order to not have to one day suffer from them leaving him.   After being captured by the A$AP tribe Bjork struck a deal with their leader for the freedom and safety of a young girl in his care. In exchange Bjork was forced to torture all of his friends and allies, one by one, for weeks, until he was finally forced to torture himself. Mentally and emotionally dead Bjork would no longer speak for a time as he believed that it was his fault that all of his friends had to suffer.   In addition to these Bjork also had to witness his newfound half brother Chungus die in front of him, not once, but twice.

Intellectual Characteristics

Because Bjork spent most of his time educating himself in the divine, his intellect is not one to be considered superior.

Personality Characteristics


Aside from tracking down and bringing his father to justice, Bjork wants to see the freedom of all people by tearing down oppressive rule and destroying all evil. The world has a natural order to it and it must be reobtained.

Likes & Dislikes

Like: Chungus, goat cheese Dislikes: Gunther

Virtues & Personality perks

Will not kill an enemy unless given absolutely no other choice.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gets too caught up in momentary decisions and actions and forgets to focus his efforts and thoughts.


Does not like to go more than a day or two without bathing.


Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Growing up in the confines of the church, Bjork's social aptitude is lacking... at best.


Very talkative and constantly interrupts people if he believes what he is saying is more important.

Bold, sassy, and mildly annoying cleric who spends more of his efforts to screw with his friends and party than focusing on the tasks at hand.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Brown and Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Brown
6ft 3in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I might not kill you, but he will" *points to Chungus*
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, and Orcish


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