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Nine (a.k.a. Nine)

Nine is a draconic sorcerer who is on a personal mission to find her family. With her good looks, and golden brain, she is determined to find out everything she needs to know, no matter what.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nine is quite...busty.

Body Features

Has a huge scar on her side.

Identifying Characteristics

Her pink hair is quite noticeable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as Chloe Mercury, she was just a young child living in a quaint house outside of a village with her mother, father, her sister Celica, and her brother Casper. Her parents were both amazing at magic, and so they trained their children to master their magical talent. Chloe had already discovered her powers at a young age, while Celica had to train a bit more to master her abilities. Casper was incredibly tough, however, he was...not the greatest at magic. Which led to him being the outcast of the family.   On one tragic day, when Nine had come back from retrieving water and fruit, she realized that her home was on fire. Not thinking straight, she ran into the house, to discover that both of her parents are dead, Casper with a sword covered in blood, and Celica nowhere to be found. When she began to question Casper about the horrible events that occured, Casper turned around with an evil grin on his face, one of which that seemed like there was no emotion behind the smile. Before she knew it, Casper quickly stabbed Chloe in the side. She falls to the ground.   As she lay in a pool of her own blood, she notices Casper walking away with a mysterious individual. She quickly passes out. After a while, she had reopened her eyes and realized she was in a different location and that a cheerful old man was sitting beside her. The old man introduces himself as "The One", and said that he was the one who saved her. He also said that there is great magical potential within Chloe. Chloe explained her situation to him. He wished for Chloe to become one of his disciples in order to get more control over her magic. Chloe agrees, and The One formally gives her the nickname "Nine" as she is his ninth disciple.   After many years of practice and studying, Nine felt that she was ready to pursue her personal mission. She had said her goodbyes to The One, and she was off to find the answers to her questions. What actually happened at her home? Why was Casper involved? Where is Celica? Who was that mysterious individual? Nine wanted to find out for her self, no matter the cost.

Gender Identity





With the home training from her mother and father, and studying under her master, it is safe to say that Nine is quite intelligent.

Failures & Embarrassments

Getting captured by cultists.

Mental Trauma

Seeing her dead parents. Her brother literally stabbed her, leaving a scar.

Morality & Philosophy

If someone does her wrong, Nine will want them to suffer as much as she did. She will be friendly to someone as long as that person is useful to her. If not, she will not care for you. Unless you can entertain her. Or make her laugh.

Personality Characteristics


The whereabouts of her family. The burning sensation inside of her to get vengeance.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Celica, her parents, getting her way Dislikes: Casper, not getting her way, boring people. Failing at something.

Vices & Personality flaws

Nine is quite hotheaded, and is quick to jump into arguments when she's mad.


She is very keen on her looks, and loves to be clean.


Religious Views

Not really religious.

Sassy, moody, driven woman who is on a mission to find her siblings.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
123 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic


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