Aaravos, First of the Fallen

So here I watched my body and soul fall to the Abyss and all the while my brothers and sisters bickered on how to move forward? They truly did need me I suppose. Come boy, lets see what they say now. - Former Archangel Aaravos to Archangel Ari Ashdew

First of the Fallen, Aaravos (a.k.a. The Blood Angel)

Former Archangel of the First Host, Aaravos was the Leader of the Archangels. He met his end when he sacrificed himself to keep the Heart of the Abyss from being destroyed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Archangel Aaravos was the Archangel of the First Angelic Host and, alongside his twin Sister Alariel, the first living beings in creation after the Primordials. He was a born leader and when the rest of his siblings emerged from the Light, he organized them, gave them purpose and kept order between them. Only Alariel defied his orders, often simply ignoring what she was told to do as she pleased and explore the bounds of Celestia.   When the War with the Demons began, Aaravos led the first charge into battle and his Host followed suit. He set the example for his Brothers and Sisters, fighting for years at a time before returning to Celestia for short bursts to keep the peace upon the Heavenly mountain. In all his years of Fighting, Aaravos was never once bested or slain in battle unlike any of his Allies or Enemies. Many believe that the Archangel Mariel has wished to emulate her brother and thus has pushed herself even further beyond his capabilities.   As time wore on, his appearance changed. His Golden Armor grew Crimson and his wings became stained with blood and grew from pure white to Bloody Red with Black spread throughout. He remained the same within his mind but some had thought he was being corrupted by the Abyss, though if he was it never became truly apparent. When Asmodeus wounded the Primordials, Aaravos flew to the Heart of the Abyss and offered up his very being to keep the Primordial from dying and bringing the end of the Physical Realm. Archangel Baravos was the last standing to see his Brother be pulled into the wounded abomination.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Blood Red
Curly Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
285 lbs.


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