Arkael of the Heaven's Light Alliance

What would you do if you were murdered before the Love of your life only to awaken in an Unfamiliar body!

Ambassador of the Heaven's Light Alliance, Arkael Raitan Telean

Formerly a Tabellia of Desna, Arkael Telean is now trapped within the Body and Mind of Warner Doe alongside the Succubus Ilsani Carani.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arkael was formed in the light of Elysium by Desna and created to serve as an Ambassador between the warring Planes of Heaven and Celestia, in order to ensure peace between the disparate Angels. In the course of his service he encountered an Unusual individual within the bounds of Celestia, an Angel born of Blood and Magic, Sanguinia. He conversed with the Odd Angel and over several months the two became friends. Over his years of Service Arkael spent more time within Celestia and eventually took up residence within Celestia under the guise of a more earnest ambassdorship but in truth it was to be closer to Sanguina.   Over the course of his time in Celestia young Arkael grew to have an appreciation for the Angels of Celestia, who adhered to their own sense of Order but it was a far less formal affair than the Hierarchy within Heaven. The Angels of the Hosts could question their superior's orders and disobey them if the situation called for it. And they cared little for his blossoming relationship with Sanguina, aside from Zefer and Tali Ashdew who remained suspicious of him until Sanguina dragged him before the two of them and forced them to talk.   Years into his time in Celestia he sought the blessing of Desna to pursue his feelings further and though it took several weeks for the Goddess to answer him she did indeed give him her blessing. On the day he had chosen to propose to Sanguinia, A mortal tradition that Archangel Ashdew insisted upon, he was mid proposal when he was stabbed through the back and his last sight was of Sanguinia's horrified face as his vision went black.   He now awakens within the Body of Warner Doe, confused and hurt....
Chaotic Good
2724 EP 2756 EP 32 years old
Current Residence
Warner Doe's Body
Bright Blue
Short Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs.
Desna the Dreamer


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