
When the High Elves saw Corellon fall, they wished for a Realm free of the God's Fighting, and thus Azlantai was made.

The Realm of the High Elves and their offshoot races. Azlantai is untethered from the passage of time within the other Prime Planes and obeys its own laws of nature. The Planar Realm as a whole overflows with Magic and is overseen by the Guardian Dragons, Seven Serpentine Dragons who were the leaders of the original High Elves who helped create the plane.


Azlantai is an entire world and elements of all manner of Geography are present within. Much of the Inland portions of the Plane are mountainous with occasional plains and forests to break the monotony. Within the Southern Reaches lies the Laseri Jungle, home to the Monkey like Vanara people. Within the northern forests lies the homeland of the Kitsune, while they may be spread across Azlantai the heart of their people dwells here in a secretive nation.

Localized Phenomena

Within Azlantai the weather events are subject to the Guardian Dragons, each controls a section of the world and the people who inhabit these realms often make offerings to request changes from their Dragon.   Due to the overflowing amount of Magic within the Plane, it is not uncommon for large masses of stone and earth to float within the sky, some large enough to hold entire cities and several of these floating cities exist within the realm.


Aside from the Northern and Southern Polar regions, the vast majority of the Plane is a tropical zone, with temperate zones springing up around the most inland mountains and between the Polar and Tropical realms.


When Correllon Larethian was slain by Malgeron, the High Elves wailed in despair at seeing their creator fall. As the Immortal Children of Correllon they felt lost and resolved to leave the Material Plane to its own devices. Nearly all High Elves within the Prime Planes gathered to weave a spell to create their own realm, a ritual which birthed Azlantai. The Seven Mages who wove the spell itself were nearly overwhelmed by the magic they channeled but used it to twist their forms into Serpentine Dragons with the power to defend their realm from the Gods of the Mortal Realms.   For the remainder of the Purge War the Guardian Dragons guarded Azlantai from the Gods and guided its people. The High Elves scattered across the Realm and over time they grew into different cultures with some warpign their flesh. Some changed their bodies to adapt to new enviroments like the Vanara while the Original Kitsune felt that without Correllon they should not take his form, and thus over time they grew into the Mischevious Fox Folk of the north.   When the Purge War ended the Guardian Dragons each took residence within a region of the world and have remained mostly Idle within their domains. The People of Azlantai have erected shrines to honor their defenders and often make offerings to the Dragons. Most of the Guardians dwell within the depths of Rivers or Lakes or other diffiicult to reach loactions as they now rest.
Plane of Existence
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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