
The most Powerful of all Greater Demons, rivaled only by the Mariliths. Balors are feared by the denizens of all realms for their strength, cunning and magical prowess.

Balors are the most powerful of all Greater Demons, second in size only to Goristro Balors are massive Demons capable of dispatching armies of Mortals on their own. Each carries unique weapons imbued with their own power and they command other Demons, only bowing to Demon Lords or, on very rare occassion, Mariliths who serve as their only rivals.   Balors serve as Generals to Demon Lords and may command forces of their own within the Abyss. They are among the only demons besides Demon Lords who can open rifts to other planes.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Balors and Mariliths are the only varities of Demons birthed at the very heart of the Abyss.


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