Bane Tyranus, God of Tyrants

Bane Tyranus was a Duke of Moromel in the Ancient Days, but when he ascended to Divinity he desired more, though he was honor bound to not attack his fellow duke's for their holdings, so he turned his gaze to the Hells. Bane left his Son to lead the Dukedom and invaded the Second Layer of Hell, The City of Dis. The City of Dis became a bloodsoaked mess of a plane as Bane made his way to Dispater and slew the Archdevil. After this Bane assumed rulership of The Layer of Hell and has remained there since. Attempts have been made to remove him, though none of these have been supported by Asmodeus as it seems that the Ruler of the Hells is content to leave Bane by himself. Though over the years it seems the Hells have seeped into his being as he has become ever more cruel and his form has been twisted into an unholy fusion of Devil and Man.   The realm of Dis has been made more available to mortals as a result of Bane's presence, as he prefers them to the Devil's that inhabit his new realm. Bane and his descendants on The Material Plane rule with an iron fist and a hatred for non humans, though unlike most who believe in human superioirty they accept any who have any human blood in them, making their kingdom a haven for Half-Orcs, Tieflings and Half-Elves who have darkness in their hearts.   Bane is a cruel but honorable God. He punishes those who break the laws of his realm regardless of their origin or his opinion on the matter. He will also honor any deal he makes. Those who are weak are worthless in his eyes, for strength is what allowed him to attain everything he has done so how could it be wrong?


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