Baravos, The Golden Guardian

With Aaravos and Alariel's passing I bear their burden. I do not wish it but this is the way it must be. I will bear it as best I can, so rest Brother, Sister.

Archangel of Battle and Discipline, Baravos

The Third Born of the Archangels of Celestia, since the passing of Aaravos and Alariel he has borne the weight of their duties as well as his own.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baravos was born to fight. He emerged from the Light in armor and brandishing his spear until Aaravos stopped him. When Violence broke out between the Celestials and the Demons, he was the first to lead his host into Battle against them. When his brother realized what must be done to keep the Abyss from collapsing, Baravos covered his advance by clashing with two Demon Princes alone.   When he realized that Aaravos and Alariel were not returning it was decided that as the Eldest, he would take up their duties until Archangels emerged from the light to take up their postions. As the years wore into decades and the decades into Millenia, Baravos grew more and more bitter. He struggled to bear his brother and sister's duties and he wanted none of it. But bear it he did, even as the stress wore his patience down, driving him to attempt to force his brother, Caravos into forsaking his mortal love through underhanded means, through the Blackmail of Nariel with Malcanthet's Realm and its denizens as his hostages.   The greatest tragedy he blames himself for is Zariel's defection. He forbid her from entering the Blood War to tip the balance and when she did anyway he banished her. According to the records of Earavos, he simply returned to Celestia and sat looking out from the mountain for years after this act. Since then he has been dogmatic with his rules and he enforces the agreed upon rules of Celestia, and his personal additions, with unwavering conviction.
Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
280 lbs.
The Light of Heaven


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