Dalavas of the First Host

Well you ain't no Aaravos, but he had a couple Millennia on ya kid. Lets see how ya do in a few thousand years.

First Heavenly Host Commander Dalavas (a.k.a. Dale)

Host Commander of the First Angelic Host of Celestia, Sworn Brother of Aaravos and now, Second in Command to Archangel Ari Ashdew.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dalavas was the First Angel to emerge from the Light of Heaven after the Archangels, only moments after Zariel. While his power was less potent than his predeccessors, he had a certain skill about him that gave an air of power. Like Aaravos he wielded more power than his fellows, when he and Zorie first sparred it was hardly an even match and it is believed that this one incident made her push herself even harder. He was Aaravos' constant companion and on a few occasions, Accomplice. Any scheme that Aaravos planned or plotted somehow featured Dalavas as a key part.   When the Demons and Angels began to clash, Dalavas was one of the few to advocate for peace until Aaravos himself joined the fray. Following after his Archangel, he fought tirelessly upon the Front Lines and led the First Host well, allowing Aaravos to focus on directing the other Hosts. When Aaravos sacrificed himself to the Abyss Dalavas was without a leader, Dalavas waited in Celestia for Aaravos to return and when it became apparent that he would not, Dalavas begged Baravos to allow the First Host to join the War, to which he was denied.   Dalavas was forced to watch as the other Hosts continued the war while the First and Second Host were sidelined. Dalavas was not as strict with Discipline as Zorie of the Second Host and the First host is now a Collection of Groups with highly adaptable skill sets, the millennia of training have afforded them much time train their skills. Dalavas himself argued with Baravos often and actually destroyed his own Spear, a divine weapon created for him specifically, and forged himself a Sword to replace it. He has trained himself to his physical extreme and has forsaken his armor as he claims he no longer needs it.
Neutral Good
Deep Green
Long Black Hair, usally pulled into a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs.
The Light of Heaven


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