Daravos, Slayer of the Lord of Pain

My existence is filled with naught but pain. I will live and die as a Weapon. Let Fanthi be joyful, for I cannot.

Archangel of the Seventh Host, Slayer of the Lord of Pain and Berserker of Heaven, Daravos

Archangel of the Seventh Host, Daravos slew the first of the Demon Princes and cursed himself in the Process.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daravos was merely a warrior when he emerged from the Light, he was a mighty combatant like his siblings before him, though he was far hardier than those who had come before. He could struggle through injuries that others would have died from and fight well beyond when most would have given in. Such was it that when the Demon War began he found himself the only Warrior of Heaven to be able to stand against the Demon Prince known as the Lord of Pain.   The Lord of Pain was the First Born of the Demons and he emitted an Aura that caused all near him to writhe in Agony. Daravos' supernatural Hardiness and tolerance for pain made him the only one able to stand in the Demon's Presence and he clashed with the Demon hundreds of times throughout the Centuries. There bitter struggle came to an end when The Lord of Pain cornered Daravos' Commander, an Angel named Fanthi, and nearly drove the young man mad with Pain. Daravos interupted the vile act and took the Curse unto himself, delivering the final blow to the Demon Prince as it finished its curse. With the Demon Prince dead, it should have been a joyful day but instead Daravos the Mighty was cursed with neverending Pain unto his dying day.   He was brought back to Celestia and they could do naught for his curse, the final act of the Demon Prince had been Absolute in its execution. It took many many years for Daravos to muste rhis strength once more, this time channeling his rage and anguish into fuel for his strength. It is only in battle that the Archangel finds joy and when it ends he feels only pain and emptiness. His Host Commander looks after him as best he can but the Archangel of Pain wishes often to be left in Solitude.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Long Blonde Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skinned
224 lbs.


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