Donu the Poisoned

Dead is the Great Emerald Wyrm, the poisonous wretch of Tiamat. Donu was the most insidious of all of Tiamats servants, always scheming and always paranoid that someone was coming for them. It was only with the aid of Malsivir that Autrion was able to surprise and slay the Great Wyrm, whose bones now decorate the Imperial Palace. Donu was the smallest of Tiamat's champions, a creature of not strength of body but of mind.    It was Donu that made the discovery of how Dracoliches came to be, though she did not become one herself. She was among the most magically gifted dragons in history, rivaling the prowess of the Archmages Roseweald. Unlike her fellow champions she had many children and is the reason that Green Dragons are so populous today.    One of her Children was Liezzen, The Guardian of the Spring in the region of Ironhold and the mother of Shizani.


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