Earavos the Scholar (E-Uh-Rah-Voh-ss)

I was stripped of Wings but still I soar. No one is beyond help. No one.

Archangel of Magic, Leader of the 9th Host Earavos

The Archangel of Magic and Nariel the Shadowdancer's twin Brother.

Physical Description

Body Features

Earavos has very boyish proportions and whether this is his natural form or it is the result of Malcanthet's interference in his body is a matter of speculation both for the Angel and his fellow scholars.   Regardless of the origins of his appearance, he does use his perpetually young features to his advantage. Prior to his capture and subsequent torture by Malcanthet, he was often ribbed by his brothers for his effeminate appearance. Following his return from the Abyss none have dared to do so.   Finally his most notable feature is his missing wings. They were forcefully removed by Malcanthet during his imprisonment and the only remnants are the pair of blackened scars that reside on his back where his wings would have connected.

Facial Features

Earavos has been described as the most beautiful of the Archangels on multiple occasions. He refutes this title and claims that his sisters are far more lovely than he. For many years when the Mortals races first encountered the Angels, many believed that Earavos was a woman due to his young and delicate appearance.

Special abilities

When his wings were stripped from him he lost many of the innate abilities that the Archangels possess, namely those of planar travel. To compensate for this he has woven enchantments into his body and being to allow him flight and travel beyond even what his brethren can perform.

Apparel & Accessories

Most often Earavos is seen wearing robes, he detests armor and complains that it makes his scars flare with pain. Despite his sibling's protests he enters battle with little more than cloth to defend himself.

Specialized Equipment

He wears a golden bracelet upon each of his forearms that, when he focuses upon them, will seperate into tiny rune carved pieces and haver around his arms. These runic pieces allow him to cast virtually any spell if arranged in the correct order.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Earavos is the twin brother of Nariel and was a weaver of magic and metal when he first emerged alongside his sister. His Sacred Spear bore not the smae powers as his brethren but allowed him to weave magics that others could not. With this he could control the weather of Mount Celestia, move hundreds of individuals at once across the sacred mountain or weave Major Miracles. He was a joyful and easy going commander, even once the War with the Demons began.   He followed the war as his brethren did and led many successful attacks against the demons, thoug he was also the one to fall in battle most often. When Nariel was taken Prisoner by Malacanthet, Earavos spent the intervening years neglecting his duties in a rabid attempt to retrieve his sister. The Demon Prince had been meticulous in her capture of Nariel and had covered her tracks well, it took Earavos Eight Centuries of searching to locate his sister and when he did, he was captured by Malcanthet and held in secret from Nariel. Malcanthet tortured him by weaving illusions over him and placing him mere feet from his sister. She ripped his wings from his body in dark rituals and took the power his wings would have granted him for herself, allowing her to be the only Demon Lord able to freely travel the Planes.
Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale/Fair skinned
95 lbs.


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