Felix Orien

Why do they hate me..? I just wanted to study...

Felix Maxwell Orien

Felix is a Dhampir Wizard and a former student of the Roseweald Academy. After a series of incidents he aided a group of thieves in stealing a set of Gold Dragon Eggs from the Academy, before a group of adventurers helped him in escaping the city.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Dusk District Felix was raised by his Older Brother following the deaths of his Mother and Father during a riot at the hands of the Mage Guard. He found a love for the Arcane with a second hand tome he recieved from the Noble of Amelia's Church, Lasrine Alisiri. Through several years of study he became versed in the magical arts and successfully applied to the Academy by demonstrating the ability to conjure a familiar to his proctor. In truth his acceptance was a political stunt to attempt to soothe relations between the Dusk District and the Magister Council, a fact he was made plainly aware of.   His time at the Academy was spent mostly in Isolation in the libraries for studying as he found many of his fellow students hostile to his presence. His one constant companion was his Familiar, a Black Cat with red eyes that often rests on his shoulders. While his professors treated him as they would any of the other students, his classmates often hurled insults or worse at him and it drove him further and further into isolation. The final injustice that forced him into leaving was when a group of his fellow students entered his dorm room and removed his fangs by force. Following this he fled back to the Dusk District to find his brother, only to find the older Dhampir had been killed in skirmish with the guard as well.   Following this he was reached out to by a group of thieves who had plans to steal from the Academies Archives. He aided them in their infiltration and made off with his share, reaching out to the Imperial Academy of War Magic, offering them the Gold Dragon Egg he had recieved in exchange for protection and enrollment within the Academy. While his plans did not follow through he has been given a new chance by former Captain of the Mage Guard Kalresi to accompany her on the journey north to The Newly Founded Moon Haven Academy within Dragonholme.
Chaotic Neutral
Short curly hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
138 lbs.
Amelia the Night Mother


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