Garavos Kavren

A mind flayer Warlock of the Sagreven Hive, which was built around the Elder Brain Ardalon, one of the few survivng Elder Brains of the horrors of Azezstos. Garavos was exiled from the hive when he was discovered to have innate arcane abilites, the same abilites which had led to Azezstos consuming nearly all of their kind once before. Cast out and alone he reached out to the one thing he knew his hive feared, the Elder God Azezstos.   Finding the staff of Azezstos buried and forgotten Garavos killed and enslaved hundreds of Underdark Denizens to satiate both his hunger and to feed his new master to strengthen the artifact. When he was nigh on the cusp of his vengeance he was interupted by the arrival of the Chaotic Seven and the Black Dragon Obann. Wounded he fled, losing both the staff and his chance of vengeance, though his tie to his master had not been severed.   He later rencountered the Chaotic Seven in a trap he had set for them, utilizing his one tadpole to create a mind witness in his thrall and enslaving a group of Dwarven miners with the Gem of the Cloud Giants of the Crown of Dominion. He was driven away once again though not before felling the Changeling Bard Quillima after using them against their party.   He later tracked the seven to their keep where he called upon all the power of his master that he could muster to turn their allies against them so that he might reclaim the staff, which he did. Reunited with the locus of his masters power once more he was granted great power before dissapearing.
Age: ????
Species: Mind Flayer, Formerly
Singularity Horror, Currently


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