Gold Dragons

The Gold Dragons are the rarest of all Dragonkin across the multiverse now as almost all of their population has been slaughtered by Autrion and his Wyrm Hunters. They now number only twelve confirmed living Dragons. This number is provided by the Magister Council of Roseweald though names and locations remain secret.    When Autrion turned upon the dragons of the Empire he caught the Gold Dragons off guard and butchered them, from Ancients to Hatchlings. With this and his subsequent hunts for their kind he has nearly driven them to extinction. The remaining Gold Dragons live amongst mortal kind, hiding in plain site. If two meet they may agree to concieve of a child and then gift the Egg to a close ally to raise apart from them. There are many of Draconic Heritage stemming from Gold Dragons, though they may not even be aware of it.    The Gold Dragons are among Autrion's favorite to hunt and kill, and if one is located he will personally seek it out.   Of the twelve that remain 1 is an Ancient, 8 are Adults, 3 are young, 1 is still a Wyrmling and recently an Egg has been said to have been given to an Archdruid.   This list does not include Galaphael the Brilliant as both his status as a gold dragon and whether he yet lives are both in question.


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