
The Isolationist Kingdom to the northeast of Gravehollow and bordered up against the Bleakstone Mountains. The Kingdom is mostly thick woodland with a few small settlements scattered throughout and a large mine at the base of the mountains. The roads offer the only safe passage from the beasts and monsters of the woods. Spirits and other entities live within the forests and it is advised to be at peace with them.   Two years ago the kingdom went silent to outside forces, with only the occasional refugees settling inside their borders offering vague insights into what happened. The Capital city lies in ruins guarded by a massive beast that kills all who enter. The survivors of the capital have set up a small ramshackle hamlet that is sustained via hunting and a mostly helpful spirit.    The survivors are led by Brynne Byrne, The princess of the Kingdom, and Douglass Ashlan, the only surviving noble of the city. They married as a means to keep morale up rather than a real relationship. Of the 2000 or so people that lived in the city only about 200 of those survived and only about 100 stayed in Graymark, the rest moved over to the border towns in the Roost and Gravehollow.    The Late King, Killian Byrne, is assumed to have met his end at the claws of the beast and now the Kingdom answers to his only surviving child but Brynne has no real authority when she is running the kingdom at the mercy of her charismatic husband and her base of operations is a barely standing tavern.


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