Halvid, Creater of Men

I live on in the peoples I have made. Even if they forget me, as long as they live... So will I. Go now and Protect them. I will stand against this Red Orc. - Halvid's final words to Kothan and Sarissa

God of Men, Halvid Olceren Haman (a.k.a. The Wandering Warrior)

The Creator Deity of Humans and the Beast Races. Halvid was a Warrior, though unlike Gruumsh he had a respect for the sanctity of Life. He and those he created often clashed with the Orcish God Gruumsh.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Halvid was born from the body of Urth, he fought against the Dragons who had killed his progenitor. He fought with such Ferocity that he earned the Respect of both Bahamut and Tiamat, with the two Dragon Gods ceasing their assault on he and his fellow gods. Following the battle, Halvid created the First humans from his own blood and named them his people.   As the gods each spread across the Material Realm their peoples spread and erected monuments to those who had breathed life into them. Halvid was not content to remain within one place and left his humans to govern themselves as he walked the length and breadth of the world, seeing it in all its majesty. During his wanderings he came across the beasts that called such wild lands home and in each empty corner of the world he found he breathed intelligence and form into these beasts, creating many of the Races that now populate the world. Tabaxi, Leonin, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Aarakocra, Lizardfolk, Tortles and Kenku are the result of his wanderings. He created the Dragonborn and Kobolds as a gift to Bahamut and Tiamat, when they demanded tribute from him.   When the Purge War began, Halvid split himself into some dozen incarnations to defend his various children, though all were felled and the core of his power was taken by Malgeron. He beqeathed some of his remaining power to the Gods Kothan, Sarissa and Foros.   Generations passed during the Purge War but a single line of his mortal lineage survived in the form of Sumin Haman, First Emperor of The Kothan Imperium.
Divine Classification
Old God
True Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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