
Paradise for anyone who died good.

Heaven is the Plane of Good and Order from the World of Golarion and it was brought through the Rift with many others. The Heavenly Archons rule this Plane and both the Goddess Iomedae and the God Erastil have their realms within here.


Like Mount Celestia, Heaven is divided into seven realms each overseen by a Group of Archons. Additionally the Gods Iomedae and Erastil remain here in their own realms within the bounds of Heaven.


Heaven is the Domain of the Archons and the destination for Pious and Good Aligned Souls who have suffered Pharasma's Judgement. Heaven remains as commited to Order as it ever was and despite occasional altercations with the Denizens of Mount Celestia, the integration of Heaven into the Planar Realm was relativley smooth compared to many of the Outer Planes.   While the Archons do not approve of the Angels of Celestia turning their backs on Order, they do not oppose nor attack them unlike Iomedae who feels they ahve abandoned their Duty. The Archons do recognize that the Archangels of Celestia bear power befitting True Gods instead of Demigods but they do not voice this knowledge.
Plane of Existence


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