Hellfire Dragon

Fiendish Dragons who bathed in Hellfire become these monstrous beasts. Their breath burns with Hellfire and they follow the Logic and Order that the Hells operate upon.

Dragon's who have been exposed to Hellfire and emerged as these specimens are incredibly powerful among their kind but often fall prey to the vices of Devilkind.

Basic Information


Hellfire Dragons are marked by their rocky and dull scales, often appearing as living stone with Magma roiling within them, though others manage to maintain some semblance of their former scale colors and merely have an internal glow to their bodies.   These dragons are larger than members of their former species and exhibit exemplary physical and mental improvements, though they most often immediatley succumb to the vices of Devilkin and integrate into the Hierarchy of the Hells.   Other notable changes to them manifest in both humanoid and Draconic Forms, most prominently in the eyes and in the growth of Horns upon both forms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hellfire Wyrms cannot be born, only forged in Hellfire. On numerous attempts a mating pair of Hellfire Dragons have had clutches of eggs to find the hatchlings members of their former species.


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