
A War Shrike living among Dragons is odd indeed. He must really like you all if he hasn't left yet.

The War Shrike stolen by Cian Lamplier from the Imperial Rookery.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iatos is a young War Shrike, one of the War Birds created by the Giants during their war with the ancient Dragons. He is an intelligent and remarkably moody bird with a somewhat bad temper and independent streak. He has followed Cian since the human fled the Empire and despite persistently being bad tempered with the monk, has fought and been injured on his behalf.   While often independent and stubborn, Iatos does enjoy Cian's company. Both Ari Ashdew and Geselos Quell have agreed that if the War Shrike did not then he would have returned to the Imperial Rookery himself. For him to live in a region inhabited by so many dragons and not cause problems he has to have broken any training he was given during his time within the Empire and overcome his base instincts.   Now he watches over Myara Lamplier, the daughter of his friend. While she can mostly look after herself, Iatos does occasionally assist her while on her hunts. She also holds the Token enchanted by Esther Bitteroot that allows him to assume the form of an Ancient member of his Kin in the event she gets herself in true trouble.   He can often be found nestled next to Myara while she sleeps or half buried in Soot's fur.
32 Years Old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Feathers
31 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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