Imperial Culture

Imperial Culture is Dominated by four principles 1. Loyalty 2. Status 3. Wealth 4. Rank   These four vaules form the basis of all Loyal Imperials lives. To serve the Empire with undying Loyalty is to be rewarded by the Gods when life ends. Status ensures that your family will have a place when your time is done. Wealth enables the expansion and continuation of your families power. Rank is how you will be remembered, a mere soldier? an Officer? Or one of the respected Generals?   To most imperials, these are the guiding forces of life. Breaking these is abhorrent and while punishable by official means, it is hardly ever allowed to come to that as the citizens will dispose of any nobles or other citizenry who break these tenets.   Some Noble Children and capable commoners may be disillusioned by these values and opt to defect. This can spell doom upon their family, if they have any. To have a child or sibling defect is a crime punishable by Death or worse, being an experiment for the Spymaster or the Mages of the College of War. If a parent defects then the child is armed with a special dagger and sent to kill the traitor.   All Imperial Citizens are required to complete at least two years of military service, they are enlisted when they come of age, whatver that may be for their people. Each recruit is issued a Shortsword, Spear, shield, a bow and a quiver and a standard set of leather armor. Any specialized weapons that the recruit may be skilled in are allowed to be used following the first year of duty. Due to this law, the invasion of anywhere within the Empire is a prospect laden with challenge, as each and every citizen is armed and trained to fight.


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