Imperial Goblins

The Imperial Goblins are the result of Magical manipulation of Feral Goblins to be less physically revolting to the Wizards of the Imperial College of War Magic. The results were fairly attractive Goblins who made functional servants for the mages of the College. After two or three generations of these modified goblins it became apparent that they were learning and resented their masters in the college. When they took the entirety of the College hostage they were heard out by the Imperium.   And thus was the story of the Imperial Goblins. They are more intelligent and far more charming than their wild brethren. Which has terrified many in the world as even Feral Goblins can be dangerous. These new goblins are the foremost merchants of the Kothan Imperium and the some of the shrewdest merchants across the planes. They remain united under a single leader, usually whoever occupies the Seat of Imperial Trademaster, as the position has been held by one of their kin since its creation. Thus the goblins mercantile empire is mostly united and coordinated compared to other shops and merchants across The Empire.   They do their service to the military and the vast majority of their kind end up as spies, scouts and assassins, all positions at which they excel. Outside the Military they act in groups, a single Imperial Goblin is never alone as the saying goes.   It is thought that the Goblins have created a massive network of Tunnels and caverns beneath the Empire as they are capable of moving goods and people with impossible speed and with no one noticing. This "Goblin Undercity" has never been confirmed and no non goblin has any idea where to look to find it. Regardless as long it poses no threat to the rest of the Imperium, it will remain a mystery.


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