Imperial Spymaster

The head of all covert affairs within the Imperium. The Spymaster is a mysterious figure within the Imperium. They're identity is never publicly known and it is unknown how many there have been, when they were replaced or even the names of those previously in the Position. The Spymasters value their privacy and the only ones truly aware of their identity are the other Masters and Emperor Autrion. The spies and assassins under their command receive their orders via specially trained ravens.   With all the secrecy and mystery surrounding the Spymaster it is hard to calculate their reach and influence but it is known those who voice dissent are almost universally silenced within days of voicing these heretical ideas. They are assumed to be resposnisible in missing persons cases with no other clear culprit and in general the Populace of the Imperium view the Spymaster as a boogeyman, a mysterious entitiy to be feared and respected.


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