Imperial Warmaster

The Imperial Warmaster is the head of all Military Force that the Imperium can muster. They command all ground troops and work in tandem with the Fleetmaster. The Warmaster directs the Generals and other more specialized military commanders personally.The Warmaster has complete Authority over all ground military troops and limited command of the assassins and spies under the command of the Spymaster and the naval forces under command of the Fleetmaster. To become the Warmaster one must prove themselves a Capable General and a ruthless person, as such the Warmaster is usually Selected from the Council of 5 Generals who operate directly under the Warmaster. In the event of a Warmaster Passing without choosing a successor, Emperor Autrion will select a General to take up the position.   A council of 5 of the Imperium's generals sit directly below the Warmaster, these generals are the most capable and the most ruthless group of military commanders in the Imperium. These Generals have more authority than others of their rank and can overturn other Generals decisions. The Council of 5 are the most envied military positions aside from the Warmaster and the ambitious within the Imperium will always attempt to attain this position.


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