
Can't say I ever met one that wasn't rotten but... they seem to hate their kind as much as any mortal.

Incubi are the Brothers to succubi and they are treated as the lesser kin of the temptresses. While Succubi and Incubi can change their form at will to suit their needs, what one is born as decides its fate. Those born as Succubi are respected as the temptresses and schemers while Incubi are viewed as inferior due to their "Male" nature. Malcanthet herself dislikes these masculine parodies of her children and affords them few chances to suceed.   Most Incubi can only hope for a place in brothels within the City of Alushinyrra as the height of their achievments. Most are cast out to die in the wildlands of the abyss. It is no wonder that many arrive in mortal settlements and use thier powers to gain some measure of respect, even if only the illusion of such.


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