Kalaric, Lord of Roots

I am the watcher of the Dark, I am Eternal and Unassailable.

Elder God Kalaric (a.k.a. The Lord of Roots)

The Elder God of Growth and Stillness, Kalaric dwells outside the Far Realm, banished by the Raven Matron and Maleash in times long forgotten. He is a force of patience and resilience, with his avatars being nigh undestructible but very slow to spread or cause any sort of problems, until they are unassailable and grow out of Control.

Divine Domains

The Domains of Life, Nature and Death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalaric was originally a God of the Far Realm before the Sundering, an Event caused by unknown forces that ripped the Distant Plane to tatters and gave it it's unique features. When the Sundering took place, Kalaric was bound within a great tree within one of his temples, imprisoned within a meager form for eons before his power reasserted itself. When he reawoke he found himself in a strange place with none of his fellow gods or followers. Slowly but inexorably he grew his prison, it now fused to his very being. As his roots spread he became more and more powerful, absorbing the energies of the Far Realm and empowering him.   When the other Elder Gods noticed this occurence they were unsure of what it could mean, as a measure of precaution The Raven Matron and Maleash, age old rivals with a bitter hatred for one another, coordinated their powers to remove the diseased god from their realm. Kalaric was banished to the space between planes and there he was dwelled for Eons, growing larger and more powerful, spreading fragments of himself to distant worlds and overrunning them, with slow but determined persistence.   Following the Banishment of Tiamat from Almura by Bahamut, she was entrapped within Kalaric's roots and now feeds the Elder God from her Divine Essence.
Divine Classification
Elder God


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