Kalith Iceheart

Ah, here we are Brother! A strong challenger! I will face him al- You think I require your aid? Ha! - Kalith before she faced Malgeron

The Second Archon of the Frost Giants, Kalith is strength incarnate. She was fashioned from Ice to be cold an unyielding to her foes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalith and her brother were formed by the God of the Giants to lead the armies of the Giants against their foes. She is a strong determined woman and she lusts for battle at every oppurtunity.   During the War with the Dragons she and her brother were trapped in a labyrinth by Donu the Poisoned. By the time they had escaped they found their people broken and scattered, and so the twins took their people to the frozen north to live away from the mortals that now ruled the lands.   In the milennia since, The Frost Giants have largely kept to themselves. They hunt the great beasts of the Tundra and quarrel with the White and Silver Dragons but the they have not stirred up trouble. It was only when the Orcish Horde of Malgeron arrived at the gates of the Roost that the Frost Giants were seen en masse, fighting alongside the Dragons that had joined the Horde.   Absent were the frost Giant Archons.
She Her
Dark Blue
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Icy Blue
30 Tons


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