Lakena Arterian, Princess of the Stormwood

You threaten my home, little mortals? Leave my mothers to their rest or face my flames. You will not pass, I swear it.

Princess of the Stormwood Lakena Fireheart Arterian (a.k.a. Laki)

The daughter of Jadyn Arterian and Greva Adelaine, Lakena dwells within the Stormwood. She is the mistress of the ancient wood and she guards her mothers until they awaken from their poisoned slumber.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Much of Lakena's body is covered in bark like growths and while they appear ghastly and rotted, the girl claims that they do not bother her. She is strong and stalwart like her mothers though she demonstrates much more grace than either of them, gliding about the Stormwood with great speed and without a sound.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lakena was born within the Felwild and raised among the Fey and Fel of the Twilight Court, of which she is presently a member of. Lakena enjoyed a fairly uneventful childhood as she was raised by her mothers and cared for by the members of her court. She did not display any unique abilities, only the abilities shared by the Fey and Fel of her family, and was often commented upon as a carefree girl.   When she was Twenty two she was wandering the paths of the Stormwood when a group of Mortals happened upon her and trapped her in a Cold Iron cage. She was dragged from the Feywild and sold to a traveling circus where she was observed as a curiosity. She could not speak any common and her pleas in the language of the Fey fell upon deaf ears. It was three months before she was found by Jadyn and the Archfel summoned both Quillima the Nightmare Queen and her Wife, Greva Adelaine, to her side to raze the carnival that had imprisoned her daughter. During the Chaos of the fight both of Lakena's parents were cut with poisoned blades, causing both of them to fall into a deep slumber only moments after embracing their daughter.   Lakena lashed out with her own power at seeing her mothers hurt and her arms and hair erupted in sapphire flames that burned cold. The Assailant had no time to react as he was enveloped by the frozen flames and obliterated. Unfortunately in her rage Lakena destroyed the poison used against her mothers and there was no evidence of what had been used against them. The Nightmare Queen returned the four of them to the Feywild and attempted to force the poison from her daughter's body. The attempt was met with failure and nearly resulted in the Queen herself being subjected to its effects. Lakena and the Queen agreed that they would watch over the pair until a cure could be found or they awakened on their own.   Lakena has woven a shrine to her mothers within the Stormwood, twisting the trees into a protective structure as she wanders the Stormwood and obliterates all who enter her domain univited.
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2478 EP 296 Years old
White/Sapphire Flames
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moonlight Blue
870 lbs.


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