Malsivir the Wretched

Malsivir the Wretched is perhaps the most clever among all of his fellow champions as he is the only one alive and active today. He wanders throughout the plans acting as an adviser to many a noble or ruler wherever he can. He advises helpfully at first before twisting his listener to ruin. He never stays within the same place and always appears before those who are desperate, the only sign that he was present will be the acid soaked battlefield within whatever territory he was present and the lack of any and all valuables.    He is smaller than Dartak but should not be underestimated as while the dragons have fallen from grace, Malsivir has been building a force of lesser dragons under his rule. He openly disrespects Tiamat's name and has left many of her remaining temples and cults in ruins. He fears no reprisal from the Dragon Queen and serves only his own motives.    His strength in combat should not be underestimated as he is capable of weaving spells to the dismay of many a noble hero. He manipulates the mind and controls the flow of battle before he finishes his opponents, leaving little more than melting armor and weapons.   Though it was unknown at the time, he was one of those who advised Autrion just before and during the Imperial Civil War, he aided Autrion in the culling of the Gold Dragons and it was Malsivir who led the young Emperor to the lair of Donu the Poisoned to slay his scheming rival...


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