Mariel, Warmaiden of Light

I follow the laws that we agreed to. It keeps our peace. You may disagree now but you swore to it when we writ them upon the peaks of Celestia. I am sorry sister but I shall not follow you. - Mariel to Nariel

Warmaiden of Light Mariel

The Fourth of the Archangel Sisters, Mariel was a born warrior and is second only to Nariel among the Archangels in Battle Prowess. She is the sole member of the Archangel's who may challenge Nariel to combat and pose a challenge to her sister.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mariel was born weapon in hand from the Light of Mount Celestia. She was the first of the Archangels to engage the Demons in battle when the war began and she has been a constant sight upon battlefield where Demons and Angels clash. Her shining form encourages her allies to push themselves harder and she holds the highest amount of Demons Killed by any individual across the Planes. According to her Angelic Host, Mariel has slain 3,067,834,954 Demons since their war began in the Ancient days. She has pushed further into the Abyss than any other being, Mortal or otherwise and she once reached the very Heart of the Abyss. She would have destroyed the Abomination had her siblings not stopped her. Of the original 14 Demon Princes, 3 fell to Mariel's Spear and the fact that Malcanthet, the last of the Demon Princes, is Married to her sister causes her no small amount of Anguish.   Since the Mortal races emerged her war with the Demons has slowed as her battlegrounds have become fewer and fewer. She has instead been waging war within the Abyss itself. She has even fought alongside her Fallen Sister Zariel along the front lines of the Blood War. Despite her lust for battle she remains sensible and reasonable, obeying orders from her other siblings. She is monstrously Powerful but remains in control of her senses even in the midst of battle, and will fall back if her forces become unable to fight.
Lawful Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born from the Light of Heaven
Current Residence
The Peak of Mount Celestia
Molten Gold
Silver Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless White
275 lbs.
The Light of Heaven


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