Marl the Blight Troll

Marl is nearly unique among Trollkin. She boasts an Immunity to Fire, but bears permanent Scars from the incident that earned her that ability. Her injuries give her an almost human appearance, were it not for her size. She has been accompanying Esther since the Hag was a young child, the only one privy to the Life Story of the Hag, though her exact age is unknown. She has claimed to have been at the Coronation of The Storm Giant King which would make her one of the original Giant Kin. Records indicate that she has been seen throughout history, her distinctive burns and other injuries making her recognizable.
  Marl is, despite her size, a master of stealth and creeping about unnoticed. She wields a pair of daggers with grace and ease and will use them upon anyone who threatens Esther.
Species: Troll
Age: ?????? Assumed to be as Ancient if not more so than Esther Bitteroot
Occupation: Thief, Archivist


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