
If I cannot sit at Court, I can at least fulfill my duty... Despite The Queen's lax attitude.

Chamberlain Mellosian Azelan Trifin (a.k.a. Mellos)

The Fey Advisor of Archfel Quillima Duskborn. They are a very direct and very uptight individual, assigned to provide some semblance of order to Archfel Quillima's insane interpretation of Order. They served the Woodland Witch for nearly 900 years before being assigned to the Archfel, much to their annoyance. Mellos handles many of the more formal actions for Quillima, appearing a far less abrasive host to visitors to the Fel-Harmonic Festival.   Mellos once wished to be an Archfey in service to the Woodland Witch and when she established the Twilight Court, Mellos was the first to attempt to attain a seat upon it. The Witch denied them, as they suffer from a rare condition that prevents the use of most magics, aside from the most basic of Fey Magics or outside help such as Runes or Magic Items. Disheartened they sulked in the Forest for weeks before the Witch gave them an assignment, to serve as the Advisor to Archfel Quillima.   Understandably they were annoyed by this but served their lady as requested. Often mocked or treated as the Butt of Jokes, Mellos is annoyed by their current assignment but, enjoys the challenge of providing Order and Rule to a realm where such things are so prevalently absent.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to injuries suffered in their childhood, Mellos has nearly no innate magical ability. They can use cantrips with some difficulty but no further, though in recent years they have found some long in the Bardic arts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mellosian was born to parents within the Winter Court, a prime candidate for a seat within the Court and a gifted scribe and cunning diplomat. When they were still a child their parent's attempted a maneuver that cost them dearly, they died at the hands of a rival and Mellos was gravely injured in their attempt to flee. They wandered the wilds outside their former home as they left the life they had known behind. It was some time before they found refuge within the Woodland Witch's Realm, a place they could rest and hide form their pursuers.   The Witch found them asleep and waited for them to wake, their injuries intriguing her. When they awoke they found the worst of their wounds had healed and a selection of food in exchange for the story of their woes. The tale moved the heart of the witch enough to allow the child to stay within her realm. She gave them protection and comfort and they became a devoted follower of hers. Serving as best they could for 900 years, despite their lack of magical ability due to the manner of wounds they suffered in their flight from their home.   They now serve as Chamberlain to Fel Queen Quillima Duskborn and have come to be at peace in their role. They enjoy teaching the children of Dragon's Claim Keep of the magic of song and performance, the bardic prodigies of Alizain, Siora, Riona and Vella in particular show great promise and they will guard the children and the Fel-Harmonic Festival with what power they can muster.   In recent days Mellos has seen some trouble with their students running off to other locales, leading to them having an abundance of free time. They have done their best to enjoy the Festival as they used to but have found difficulties in readusting to things as they very much enjoyed teaching. They continue to have some lessons with Siora Clearspring and Alizain Andronas but they have far to much free time for their liking. As such they have begun venturing outside the Fel wild and interacting with the mortals within Dragon's Claim Keep. While they find most of the Locales rather boring, they do enjoy the Obsidian Athenuem and have been seen reading tomes from among the collection there. During this time they have been interacting with Narien, the Blind Black Dragon. The two have been seen conversing within the Athenuem's library and Mellos plays calming tunes upon their harp when Narien has trouble calming herself.   Mellos is quite proud to have made a friend, even if they are yet unaware that she is a dragon.
Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs.
Fel Queen Quillima Duskborn


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