Messaria, The Goddess of Peace

All I wanted was Peace, and instead the world is at war with itself... Its enough to break a goddess to pieces...

The Goddess of Peace is a Protector Deity and one of the most active in her influence of her champions. She pulls her followers minds into her realm in order to communicate with them directly and cares for her devoted much more openly than her fellow gods. She was once a goddess of war and death and slaughtered millions during the Purge War. After the war she put down her scythe and assumed the mantle of the Goddess of Peace. Hers has been a long and difficult road to walk but she perserveres to try and bring peace to the world of Mortals.   Her realm is an idyllic plane filled with those who have died in her service, granting them an Idyllic and peaceful place to spend their afterlives.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Date of Death
6th of Sinstra
Year of Death
2082 EP
Circumstances of Death
Broken into two seperate Avatars by world wide fighting
Place of Death
Her Divine Plane


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