Mount Celestia

The Realm of the Angels and the space just below the Light of the Heavens, Mount Celestia is the Pinnacle of the Upper Planes and a place of eternal light. It is home to the Hosts of Angels and like Baator, also known as the Nine Hells, it houses multiple realms within it.   The Bottomost Realm is Lunia, or the Starry Heaven. This layer of Celestia was shrouded in eternal night with clear skies that showed the darkness of night filled with thousands of stars. Many Celestial Creatures could be found here including a small host of angels and Celestial Sky Whales. The Base of this Realm had numerous Portals from which other parts of the Upper Planes could be reached, though the Plane's edge was bordered on all sides by the Celestial Silver Sea.   The Second Realm within Mount Celestia was Mercuria, it is filled with glorious golden light and it serves as the Marshalling ground of the Warriors of the Heavens. This realm is home to many of the Sentinel Angels who monitor the lower realms for incursions of Demons or Devils, though they only act when great armies threaten the Mortal Realms. This is also the Final Resting Place of Bahamut's Celestial Palace, composed of his massive Treasure Hoard... It has remained undisturbed since his death, out of respect for the fallen God.   The Third Layer of the Realm is Venya, is a lush sprawling Idyllic Countryside where the Nameless Halfling Once-Gods make their home. It is to this realm that many of the Halflings of the Lower Planes will venture when they pass from the world. This lush land is said to be among the most tranquil places in the Planar Multiverse.   Solania is the Fourth Realm of Mount Celestia. It is a mountainous Realm whose peaks and valleys are obscured by ever present mist. It is here the Fortress of the Fallen Dwarf God resides, Erackinor stands so many milenia after its master fell, a true testament to Moradin's skill. This realm is largely empty of life save for a few roaming Celestials who prefer the solitude provided by the Mountains.   Mertition is the Fifth Realm of Mount Celestia and is filled with Vast Savannah Planes, and one notable settlement The City of Empyria, home to the Greatest healers of the Heavens skilled in treating all manner of wounds and ailments. This Realm and the City of Empyria once served as the Meeting ground of the Greatest Paladins in the days of the Old World but it was sealed off from the mortal realms to escape the bloodshed.   The Sixth Realm of the Heavenly Mountain was Jovar. This realm had few features save for the gemstones that lined its surface, millions upon millions of shining stones lined its every surface and at the realms center stood a Black Ziggurat which guarded the only means of reaching the final realm of the Mountain. This Ziggurat was Guarded by Angels chosen by each of the Archangels to keep tresspassers from entering the Peak.   The Final Realm of the Heavens was Chronia, the Peak of Mount Celestia, above which was the Light of the Heavens. Chronia was amysterious place as the Archangels allowed few entry and none were allowed to document or speak of what they saw. All that is known of Chronia is that it is the realm where the Archangels reside and that they guard the Light of Heaven beyond it.
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