Noble Vampire

Noble Vampires are those who lead Barovia just below Strahd himself. They are exclusive to the Heads of the Noble houses and those who marry into the Nobility, they are also the only ones permitted to bring outsiders into the Noble houses from outside Barovia. Each noble house holds various artifacts that may increase their already great powers.    The Nobility recieve specialized gifts from their blood. House von Zarovich excel in magic. House Vaerima specialize in charm, beauty and allure. House Delgast are the bestial lords of the monster that roam the wilds of Barovia. House Keraton are the Lords of martial practice while House Abavon are the noble mounted knights that defend the plane from would be invaders.   Each Noble Vampire is blessed with some of Strahd's own powerful blood and are granted that most coveted of Vampiric abilites, immunity to Sunlight. They still dislike the sun as it causes them extreme discomfort, but they will not be killed by it. There are only two ways to kill a Noble Vampire, destroy their coffin in Barovia and slay them before a replacement can be found or through acts of great power such as Wishes or the Aid of Gods.


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