Omega, The Warborn

I was made for a Single Purpose.... To slay foes for my Master..... But he is gone and I remain. I fight no more, I exist to see the beauty that lies all around us and to spread the simple joys of the world.


Omega was created to fight upon the Front lines of wars within the Old World. She was a prototype model designed for speed and dueling prowess over the indomitable defense of previous models. As a result she could dance around her foe Warforged and dispatch them with ease using her speed and grace. She was a terror on the battlefield, dispatching hundreds of thousands of her own autonoumous kin. Her grace and skill with a blade impressed the Elvish God Corellon and he bestowed upon her a gift of intelligence and awareness.   With this gift of awareness she began to question the slaughter of her fellow Warforged and the amount of them that had been simply left to rust and decay. She questioned her creator and handler why she was the only one of her kind. She demanded answers and was met with only silence. When she refused to fight in a battle until she was given answers and her demands were promised she took up her blade and felled the enemy, a group of human knights that had been trying to capture her creator.   Her creator relented upon his hesitation and began to create another of the Omega Models. Before construction could complete the lab was attacked and her creator was killed by a group of orcish invaders who had approached unnoticed. Her creator's design were lost in the destruction and she could not dismantle herself to complete the new model from reverse engineering. Lost and alone she sought out Corellon and asked him to take away her mind so she would not have to know the pain of being the only one of her kind. Corellon refused and bid her to follow him for a time. She did and she followed him throughtout the realm as he enjoyed each sunny afternoon, bright new dawn and beautiful star filled sky. Eventually she grew to appreciate the small things in life that Corellon so richly enjoyed and she followed the Elven God up until the Purge War began. He sent her away to protect her and it was only in the moments of his death when they were reunited. Instead of allowing the Red Orc to take his divine essence and empower himself he cast it upon Omega, granting her his divinity and empowering her to protect others as she had done so bravely during the Purge War.   Empowered with Divine Strength Omega clashed with Malgeron, matching the Butcher with her evasive movements and lightning quick attacks. She did not pursue when he withdrew and simply went on her way. She settled upon the ground within Moledar, within sight of the Forest Corellon had once called his home and simply... Waited. She watched days pass into years into centuries, simply watching the Elves as they guarded their treasured trees. She watched the beauty of the world inside of a form that would never wear, never yield and never fall but she cared not for war. She took no lives for the entiritey of the Purge War, only defending herself when neccesary.   And sitting upon the shore is where Zimwick found her at the dawn of the new World. She found Omega alone, staring out at the sea encrusted with brine and shells in a tattered cloak, simply softly singing an elvish tune that Corellon had once taught her. Before her ascension she had only been able to speak in mechanical beeps or through sign language. Now she had a voice and she would use it to sing of her friend and the calm peaceful times that they had both enjoyed so much. And now she would continue to enjoy them for the both of them.   Omega does not grant power to those who would use it to do harm, only to those who would protect others. And she does not ask or want worship from priests or clerics. She commands her followers to do as she once did, to go and enjoy the beauty of the world. Her true followers will never be found in a temple, only in the sunny afternoon hillsides or admiring a wondurous sunrise.

Divine Domains

Life and Peace
Divine Classification
Proto God
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silvered Steel Plating
180 lbs.
Known Languages
Sign Language, Warforged, Elvish and Common


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