Plev, Death's Deliverer

Pleven Nal Calian (a.k.a. Plev)

Plev was a strange Child, they saw death as merely a journey not an end. They called themself both a boy and a girl and had a fascination with the powers of the priests of the temples in their home city. When they were of age to leave home, they did and never returned. They traveled, claiming to be a Priest of Death and in one village they were accused of Heresy and attacked by a priest of Correllon, who cut out Plev's eyes. They did not respond to this vocally, merely tracing a sigil in the ground and the priest was enveloped in a cloud of black mist, dying instantly. Plev bandaged their eyes and left the village as the people looked on in horror. They became more withdrawn about their faith, sharing it only with those who took interest.

As they wandered they became used to their blindness and began to move well enough without it that many assumed their blindness was fake. It was during one such confrontation that a young woman came to their aid, alongside an elven man. The duo defended the halfling and drove off the aggressors. Plev listened wordlessly before collapsing. They had not eaten in days and when they awoke the young woman was feeding them some mildly stale rations. She had such a calm voice and the elven man expressed concern for him, how wonderful to meet such nice people. After that chance meeting they traveled together and became a close knit group. Azerian crafted a staff for Plev and Ziel worked into the head a curved blade, forming a wicked scythe. Plev used the scythe as a walking stick and as a weapon, infusing it with the energies of their faith, making it into a powerful focus.   When the group returned to castle Blackwall, Plev asked Ziel if they might be allowed to set up a temple. Ziel approved and they had a temple created, using both magical and mundane means. They gained quite the following and became a true priest of their faith. They stood with their friends through all of their adventures and were suppossed to Ordain the wedding of Messaria and Ziel but fate had other plans. After they were seperated during the Arcanist ritual they arrived in the shadowlands, alongside the God, Garn Zoren who told them that he had a plan to remove these nefarious gods from the realm. When Garn asked for Aid Plev merely asked how they could help. Garn informed them that he only required many of their followers to be removed and Plev said that they could do that, hoping that by doing this they might be reunited with their friends on the other side of this mortal coil.   And so it was that that day a miracle was witnessed by only one, but the effects were felt the world over as this small halfling weaved together the first and only 12th level spell in History, to wipe all life from the Shadowlands, only failing to kill the gods themselves. As Plev thought in their last moments, wondering if their friends would be proud....
Species: Stout Halfling
Age: 86 at the time fo their death
Occupation: Cleric of the Dark Pillars, High Priest of the Church of Death
Romantic Partners: None
Aliases: The Reaper, Death's Deliverer, Bane of the Banished, The Ghost Cleric (Azerian), That Blind Fool (Caspian)
True Neutral
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Cast a 12th Level Spell to destroy the Banished Gods followers
Place of Death
The Shadowlands
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly Pale


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