
The masked servants of Pharasma, The Psychopomps ensure the flow of the River of Souls alongside their mistress.

The masked servants of Pharasma, The Psychopomps are created from souls within the Boneyard, only those neutral in their judgement are ever given the chance to join their ranks

Basic Information


Psychopomps come in many forms based on their rank, presented here are the many forms of Psychopomp with a brief description of each:   Nosoi - The Lowest Rank of Psychopomp, Nosoi take the form of small masked Songbirds
  Ahmuuth - These sombre dressed humanoids aid in the destruction of undead
  Catrina - Festively dressed Skeletons that aim to soften the Transition to the afterlife
  Ember Weaver - Shawled Glowing Psychopomps who guide souls to the beggining of the River of Souls
  Esobok - Beastial Wolf Like creaures that have only beastial intelligence, unlike other Psychopoms they are not made from souls but formed directly by the Boneyard
  Morrigna - Humanoid Spirits that prevent interference in the cycle of Death by outside forces
  Olethros - Appearing as humanoid women with moth like wings, Olethros wander among mortals in disguise watching the strands of fate and stopping those who would interfere with it
  Vanth - Skeletal Creatures commonly reffered to as Angels of Death. Their origins are unknown and some theorize they predate Pharasma's claiming of the Boneyard as her Divine Domain
  Yamarajes - The Highest order of Psychopomps aside from the Ushers, These creatures resemble a hybrid of a Black Dragon and a Crow
  The Ushers - The Ushers are Psychopomps that have been given more power than their station would normally allow. These are the most powerful Psychopomps and answer only to Pharasma and their fellow Ushers. The Ushers are the Demigods of Psychopomps and are fully capable of matching other demigods, despite their signifigantly reduced numbers compared to other planes

Growth Rate & Stages

Psychopomps are formed from souls who demonstrate true neutrailty. Any souls found to have the neccessary attitude can be offered this position and upon acceptance they will be remade into Nosoi, while these creatures are not copies of the former soul, they do demonstrate similar personalities.

Ecology and Habitats

Psychopomps are native to the Boneyard and dwell Primarily within Pharasma's Palace and her Spire. They roam the Boneyard and the River of Souls, though some venture further afield to the physcial world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As Outsiders none of the Psychopomps require food but some, like Nosoi, can be bribed with mortal foods for information or small favors.

Biological Cycle

As a Psychopomp proves itself capable and performs its tasks well, it can be advanced further upon the ranks of the Psychopomps.


While each rank of Psychopomps have their own ideologies and reasonings, all Psychopomps abhor undead and, barring a small handful of exceptions, will do their utmost to destroy undead.   This animosity towards undead is not extended to Klexia Andronas or the Archliches under her command.
Geographic Distribution


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