Regal Dragons

Regal Dragons can be of any variety of Dragon though they are most common in Red and Gold Scaled Dragons. Regal Dragons are not passed down by bloodline and it is unknown if there are any conditons that cause them or if it is merely random chance. The birthrate of Regal Dragons is approximatley 1 per 100,000 Dragons and of those only a handful have survived to Adulthood.   Regals are impressive specimens, both physically and mentally, even for their kind. Records show that Regal Dragons are larger, more physically impressive across the board and have innate knowledge of things they could not know, though the knowledge is different for each of their kind. Regal Dragons are marked by the presence of black scales or spikes extending from the top of their head to their mid back and Golden Horns. They possess an air of authority that even other dragons will obey, even the most arrogant of dragons would bow to an Adult or Ancient Regal Dragon.   What truly marks Regal Dragons as special though is that none of them have shown any deferrence to Bahamut or Tiamat, they disregard the scales of their brethren, seeing only fellow dragons. One Regal, Agalyx the Terror who was an Ancient White Dragon, even challenged Tiamat to single Combat when she threatened his people. While Agalyx was ultimately slain he permanetly marked the Dragon Queen by ripping out one of her eyes and scarring the faces of her other heads. Regal Dragons show an extremely protective nature of those they consider their people, be they dragons or otherwise. For all Regal Dragons their people are akin to other dragons Hoards, another defining trait of Regal Dragons is that they do not keep Hoards for themselves.


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