Report: The Shadow Tyrant

The Shadow Tyrant refers to both a legendary pirate ship and the god who acts as its captain. They will be divided here for clarity.   The God and Captain known as the Shadow Tyrant emerged near the begininng of the Purge War, laying claim to the oceans of the World and Brandishing power that was before unseen in the world. He is a god in a strange postion as he does not seem to have his own plane to call his home, instead his ship acts as his domain. Even without magic or Divine Power, he is a legendary duelist with both pistols and axes, forgoing the traditional swordplay of pirates. He desires gold and riches more than any dragon and will slaughter any who impede his quest for more. He does maintain a sense of Honor, if he is bested in combat he will concede and he does uphold any and all deals he has agreed to. He currently sails the waters south of the Sunfire Archipelago, dettered by Pirate Queen Yin Lian, who has bested him on multiple occasions.   The Ship, named the Shadow Tyrant, is host to magic similar to that of the Ship Spirits seen elsewhere in the world. The ship itself is alive and its figurehead seems to be the avatar for it, as it most often the section of the ship seen moving, a massive gray colored dragon figurehead that can breathe energies of any Dragon and seems to be comparable to the Great Wyrms. The Ship itself is massive, dwarfing even the largest Galleons with its immense size, though the ship seems to be able to adjust its size when needed. The number of crew aboard the ship is unknown as it is shielded from divination magics though it is assumed to be in the thousands for a vessel so large. The ship has on one occasion been observed flying through the air on ghostly draconic wings.


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