Salo, Elder God of Art

What is Life without some fun? Some Unknowns? Some Risk? Beauty can be found everywhere, you just have to have the eye for it. But... Fun? Well that is a rare thing indeed!

Elder God Salo

The Elder God of Art and the Child of Time and Death, Salo is a mischeivious Elder God, seeking to cause things to happen to keep themselves occupied. They enjoy watching those who follow them performing Pranks or performing for others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Salo is unique among the Elder Gods, in that they can traverse the universe uninhibited. Their form does not warp reality as the others do and thus they travel across countless worlds in search of adventure and amusement. They bless their followers with gifts to cause all sorts of Mischief and Chaos.   Salo's birth was met with outrage across the Far Realm as many thought it would upset any form of Balance of Power the Elder Gods had. So after a Short time spent within the Far Realm, they left, desecrating each and every Elder God's shrines and domains in the process. They are often unnoticed in their mischief, though they always leave behind a Playing Card bearing their face, a symbol with which to torment the Elder Gods that would kill them if given the chance.   When upon a new world, they are often accompanied by a traveling carnival, of which they are almost always the Ringmaster. The other members are their followers from previous adventures and they seek to aid their master in their goals.
Divine Classification
Elder God
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Traveling the Multiverse
Circumstances of Birth
Born to the Elder Goddess of Time and the Elder God of Death
Current Residence


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