Sanguine Malkith

Business is Business, I'll help who I can. But we can't help anyone if we go broke.

Lady Sanguine Asrai Malkith- (Redacted) (a.k.a. The Master Salesman)

A Succubi offshoot from the City of Brass.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

She and each of her Simulcrums have floating disks that they use to get around.   Each of her Simulacrums are capable of Telepathically communicating with the orignal and vice versa.   She and Karstag purchased a Custom Made Item for the Price of Eight Million Gold, that allows for up to 100 Simulcrums of an Individual whos blood is bound within. She uses these Simulacrums exceptionalyl well though only the Original is allowed to act as freely as she wishes with Karstag.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Product of a Union between a Succubus and a Pit Fiend, Sanguine is an odd creature. She was born in the Hells and should by all accounts have grown up to follow her parents in Serving the Archdukes. She however did not, choosing instead to run off first to the City of Dis and eventually crossed into the City of Brass. There she met Kasrag, though their union did not start off well. She had been using her male face as it was the one she was taught to use by her Father, through Lashings, and she was terrified to use her Female Face. Through a very long series of Three Dragon Ante Matches, Sanguine and Kasrag learne dmuch of eachother, especially that both of them hated to give in to a challenge. Sanguine did end up losing eventually when the two of them were twelve hours in and twice as many mugs of Ale.   Impressed by her Resolve Kasrag offered her a place to stay, to which she accepted and proceeded to put her training from her Father to use, organizing the Giant's Books and helping him find out which of his clients still owed him coin. He remained continually awed by her skills as she continued to correct ledgers that had been untouched for decades. Just as they were beginning to form a true relationship, Sanguine's Father arrived to reclaim her. She retreated from him, terrified of the Whip he carried and at this point Karstag had seen the Scars she bore from it, The Fire Giant stood between the two of them and shackled Sanguine in a Slave Collar, saying that she belonged to him and the Pit Fiend could leave or deal with the authorities. The Pit Fiend attacked him and after a brief clash he was slain by Karstag's Blade and sent back to the Hells. Karstag and Sanguine came to an agreement, She would bear the weight of a Slave Collar in order to benefit from its protection, and he would protect her from any who would take her away. She was free to leave at any point but never did, to the Giant's surprise.   It would be ten years on from their meeting before he officially gave her the Dark Steel Ring she wears proudly and brandishes at her father everytime he must return to their establisment. The Couple are popular Nobles among the City of Brass Elite as their Business boasts the most well cared for Slaves within the City and they tend to deal only with those who they know will take good care of those they sell.

Gender Identity

Capable of switching between a Male or Female Body at will. She uses her Male Face for Selling and cares for those under her care with her Feminine Face.




Sanguine was taught to be a Bureacrat within the Hells in service to her Grandfather, The Archduke Asmodeus. She is an exceptionally intelligent individual and is skilled with Numerical Calculations and all matters concerning Coin.


Sanguine is Officially a Slave to Karstag Malkith, employed at their Establisment within the Slave Markets as a Salesman. Unofficially she manages the Books and Cares for the Slaves with her many, many, many Simulacrums. While Karstag appears to manage the Books, he is in actuallity the Muscle to keep customers in check.

Mental Trauma

Is terrified of Whips, as they were her father's main method of Discipline and she is very scarred from the Numerous times she was subjected to it.

Morality & Philosophy

She views Morality as relative. She seeks to help the Slaves within her care go to places that will care for them but... To continue to do so she must sell some to the more wealthy clients who are notably abusive to their slaves, including her Father. She Prioritizes young Slaves for good homes.


She has never and will never harm any of the Slaves under her care. Being Subject to her Father's whip has made her a much softer figure than he.


Contacts & Relations

She is friends with the Following Individuals within the City of Brass and Beyond:
Rustean Aldlith
Helgart Unvag
Numerous Nobility
Archduchess Zariel
    She is also seen as one of the greatest Slave Market Sellers within the City and will occasionally be an announcer for other Businesses, in exchange for a large take of the Sales.

Religious Views

She Views all the Gods, including her Grandfather, as Failures.

Social Aptitude

Extremely Charismatic Extrovert


Wealth & Financial state

Sanguine Personally has a fortune within her Estate, seperate from Karstag, she has a fortune of roughly Six Million Gold in Value.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady, Slave, Head Slave,
Long Black Hair, Horns Vary
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Primordial, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling, Orc, Goblin, Draconic


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