Sanya Soren, Herald of Urgathoa

I am her favored daughter. The one who opened her way from the ruined world of Golarion, and none shall ever dethrone me.

Herald of Urgathoa Sanya Marie Soren (a.k.a. The Favored Daughter of Urgathoa)

The Ancient and Undying Champion of Urgathoa who brought forth the Goddess from Golarion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sanya was Raised as a Daughter of Urgathoa, with the extra notable feature of Pure Black Wings. She serves her mother as her most devoted and Zealous servant, such is her faith that even death cannot hold her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sanya was a follower of Urgathoa upon the World of Golarion, an Inquisitor of her faithful. She served for many years in this capacity before the calamity of Rovagug escaping from his prison with the Dead Vault and Golarion's slow but inevitable collapse. During this period many of the Gods sought ways to escape the dying realm with their followers and they attempted to send their most devout followers to other worlds to find ways to bridge them temporarily.   Sanya was among these, a champion of Urgathoa blessed with an undying body cast adrift into the space between worlds. She arrived in Almura during the height of the Purge War where she began to "Serve" Messaria the Reaper due to her similarities to Urgathoa. Sanya spent the next several Millenia in Messaria's service before taking her oppurtunity to attempt to summon her true mistress to this new world.   Her final attempt succeeded as she used the body and power of Archlich Klexia Andronas to perform the call to her mistress. This resulted in the destruction of her soul but it allowed her mistress to raise her as one of her favored daughters.
Divine Classification
Divine Herald
Neutral Evil
Year of Death
2083 EP
Circumstances of Death
Soul Consumed by Archlich Klexia Andronas before a subsequent revival by Urgathoa
Place of Death
The Ironhold Abyssal Rift
Waist Length Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
376 lbs.


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