Sidela, Goddess of Mischief

Can Spider Granny please stop causing problems? I was planning on doing something fun today besides fighting a bunch of Cultists.

Master Thief Sidela Eleves Melethil (a.k.a. Sid)

Sidela is a Drow Goddess who takes the appearance of a young woman and vehemently opposes the Goddess Lolth.

Divine Domains

Trickery and War are her domains, though if she finds her followers boring she may cease empowering them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a very Athletic Build and is capable of feats of near superhuman physique when limiting herself to a mortal's capabilities. She has been seen running up nearly vertical surfaces for short periods and can match a grown Orc in a contest of strength.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a shortsword formed from the tooth of a Black Dragon that causes acidic burns on contact.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sidela appeared alongside Garn Zoren and Amelia the Night Mother though the Drow Goddess went her own way shortly after they fought alongside one another. Sidela settled into the lands of Moledar and aided the peoples of the Underdark, earning respect from the other Gods and Goddesses who called the region home. OVer the course of the Purge War she proved herself an Adept Duelist and she developed a bitter rivalry with the Goddess Lolth. Many records indicate she voiced hatred of Lolth even before she met the Goddess on the battlefield, leading many to assume that they had some prior meeting that went sour.   Despite appearing to be a full blooded Drow, Sidela claims her Father was a Drow and her mother a Wood Elf, an ucommon but not impossible pair. Since the end of the Purge War, Sidela refused to agree to the Golden Concordat and can often be seen among gatherings of adventurers or making off with food or coin for the beggar children of Moledar. She freqeuntly makes appearances against Drow raiding parties in the caverns beneath the city of Gnommengrad and can even be found, infrequently, drinking in taverns throughout the region.   While she is not the most powerful Goddess, she is a skilled duelist and makes use of her smaller form to bring down larger opponents. Even when she steals from the people of the city she never uses her divine powers to outwit them, only that of her mortal form.


She seems to have no preference for men or women but does seem to have a favoritism for Elves, Tieflings and Half Orcs. She has had more than two dozen children since the end of the Purge War and each, without fail, have become thieves of some sort.
Divine Classification
Proto God
Chaotic Good
At least 9,873
Sky Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Grey
110 lbs.


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