

One of the Massive Wolves of the Bleakstone Mountains, Soot was rescued by the Chaotic Seven from the Iron Hounds when they kidnapped Myara Lamplier. Since then he has been abnormally loyal to the girl.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Soot is one of the Mega Fauna Wolves that dwell in the Bleakstone Mountains. Following his rescue from the Iron Hounds, he has been abnormally loyal for a beast. Janni Kessler has guessed that his pack was killed and for lack of another option, he sees Myara and the other people of the Keep as a pseudo pack. The beasts of the Bleakstone Mountains are known to be abnormally intelligent and perhaps he realizes it is safer for him here.   Regardless, he seems to enjoy Myara's company. He treats the child far more gently than others at the keep, though he does not attack other keep denizens. When off in the forests surrounding the valley, Myara can often be found perched upon Soot's head or laying on his back. She shows no fear of the Great Wolf and views him more as a pet than a wild beast. She notably can speak to him, though she claims he does not enjoy conversation.
Estimated 12 years old
Golden Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Fur
4 Tons


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